Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sublime Solitude Running the Caliente Range

I combined an important astronomical research expedition with a soul-satisfying run to the top of Caliente Peak in the Caliente Range of Carrizo Plain, last Thursday. A 17 mile hilly trail run, and in fact this was the 2nd time I'd done a short 24hr overnighter drive/astro/trailrun to the top of Caliente Peak in just the past 5 days! I'll send a link to the first one, after the pictures are posted. For this one on Oct 22, I've put together a story page, pictures, and astronomical reductions of the occultation of a star by the asteroid Eukrate as well, here My
left leg illiotibial band was nagging me this time, so I did some power walking as well (which was painless), and stopped often for interesting pictures of the crystal clean skies looking down on the Cuyama Valley and also Carrizo Plain, and the local wildlife.